"A refreshing delight for those of us who enjoy our romance with a side of vengeance."

-Charlotte Jean, author of 'The Elixir

Arletta is gone...but her legend lives on.Samantha Waverly Kos has been miserable since her best and only friend Arletta Harrington disappeared into the mist several years ago, running off to be with her lover, the Headless Horseman himself. Struggling with depression and life long trauma Samantha decides she doesn't want to live anymore. But just when she's about to pitch herself off the top of the Sleepy Hollow clock tower a mysterious voice stops her.Al's a demon that's invisible to the living world. That is until he meets Samantha. She can see him and she's not amused by his over the top and uncouth attitude. Al decides haunting Samantha will be a very entertaining endeavor and he might just be able to convince her that life's worth living after all.

Read the Sexy Sleepy Hollow Series


Riding The Headless Horseman (Sexy Sleepy Hollow #1)

Arletta Harrington doesn't believe in Death. It's Halloween in Sleepy Hollow and Arletta is spending the night selling tarot readings to her fellow townsfolk (the ones who don't see her witchcraft as the work of the Devil that is). The people of Sleepy Hollow believe in many magical things but the one Arletta firmly doesn't believe in is Death. The deadly rider of The Hollow. The Headless Horseman. All of that changes when she encounters him on her late night walk. He senses how powerful her magic is and knows he has to have her. He whisks her away to his realm and tells her of his plans to make her his forever. Though she may be resistant at first after a passionate night spent with the messenger of Death, she isn't so sure being his sounds like such a bad idea after all. But Halloween can't last forever...can it?

Special Hardback Edition! Includes EXCLUSIVE BONUS content!


Now available in Audio!


Smashing Pumpkins (Sexy Sleepy Hollow #1.5)

Arletta is keeping secrets...The God of Death doesn't like that a living witch is residing in the realm of spirits alongside The Headless Horseman. In order to maintain his power Hesse must make the ultimate sacrifice. Meanwhile, Arletta is searching for answers about her past, as well as the past of the man she loves.A short story set after the events of Riding The Headless Horseman


Getting With The Ghoul (Sexy Sleepy Hollow #2)

Arletta is gone...but her legend lives on.Samantha Waverly Kos has been miserable since her best and only friend Arletta Harrington disappeared into the mist several years ago, running off to be with her lover, the Headless Horseman himself. Struggling with depression and life long trauma Samantha decides she doesn't want to live anymore. But just when she's about to pitch herself off the top of the Sleepy Hollow clock tower a mysterious voice stops her.Al's a demon that's invisible to the living world. That is until he meets Samantha. She can see him and she's not amused by his over the top and uncouth attitude. Al decides haunting Samantha will be a very entertaining endeavor and he might just be able to convince her that life's worth living after all.


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(Magical) Molly Likovich is a bestselling author, poet, and video essayist. She is the mastermind behind titles such as 'Riding The Headless Horseman', 'Send in The Clowns', and 'There's Something in The Woods' as well as the indie docu-series Hidden History and HERstory. She has worked with world-reknowned historians, scholars, and many other online creators and writers. She's a Beetlejuice Aficianado, Gothic Leading Lady, and Future Ghost.


Featured Videos

"The Ethics of Damnation" (2024) Video Deep Dive

"Into The Snicketverse" (2023) Video Deep Dive

"Asteria" (2022) Poetry Video

"Not a Myth" (2022) Poetry Video

"The Power of Lydia Deetz" (2021) Video Essay

"The Hidden History of Edgar Allan Poe" (2020) Documentary

"Why Was The Beast Really Cursed?" (2019) Video Deep Dive

"The Hidden History of Little Red Riding Hood" (2019) Documentary

"The Hidden History of Frankenstein" (2019) Documentary

"The Hidden History of The Nutcracker" (2018) Documentary

"HERstory: Anne Boleyn" (2018) Documentary

"HERstory: Marie Antoinette" (2018) Documentary

"HERstory: Emperor Wu Zeitan (2018) Documentary

"HERstory: Mary Queen of Scots (2018) Documentary

"Sanctus" (2018) Poetry Video





Short Stories




Getting With The Ghoul BONUS EPILOGUE

“Wipe your mouth, Matilda,” Arletta says with a roll of her eyes. “You look like you just walked off the set of True Blood.”Matilda shoots Arletta a mischievous look as she takes an old-fashioned looking embroidered handkerchief out of her pocket and dabs at her mouth, rich red staining the once pristine white cotton.“Stop harassing her,” I say from my perch on Al’s lap. “She needs to eat, same as any of us.”Arletta looks up at Hesse. Or rather, Hesse’s lack of head. Nothing but a flaming Jack-O-Lantern rests atop his shoulders where Arletta says a once glorious head of flaming red curls once sat.When they showed up on my doorstep—her old doorstep—flushed cheeks, bright eyes, the looming shadow of the Horseman behind her, sans head, I knew something had gone terribly wrong.“I got your letter.” Arletta held up my suicide note, crumpled and stained from rain runny ink. “Time’s a mess to keep track of anymore on our side of The Veil. I’m sorry it took me so long.”She stepped across the threshold of the doorway and wrapped me up in her arms. Her vanilla-spiced scent overwhelmed my senses and the tickle of her long, dark hair curtained my face. I sighed into her embrace. I was still so pissed at her for abandoning me but I couldn’t deny how relieved I was to have her back.
I pulled back from the embrace, my gaze falling onto the intruding shadow behind her.
I nodded towards him. “That him?”“Oh! Right! Hesse, darling—” the pet name for such an intimidating creature startled me. “Come here.”The Horseman walked into the light of my front porch. I gasped at the sight of his neck, devoid of a head. He was carrying his Jack-O-Lantern head under his arm, perched in the crook of his elbow like some kind of macabre football player.“So,” Arletta turned to look at her Hessian paramour, “we have a problem.”“Ha!” We all whipped around at the sound of Al’s booming laugh. “Ichabod Crane, as I live and don’t breathe.”"Hello, demon."I knew Hesse spoke with his mind when he was without a head but the verbalized thought was disturbing; sent a chill through my body. I was amazed that Arletta had ever learned to tolerate it.“I thought you didn’t know him personally,” I said.Al shrugged. “I don’t, but I know of him, and head or not, a Death Rider knows a demon when he sees him, or rather—” Al gestured to Hesse’s pumpkin head and burst out laughing again.“Who the hell is this?” Arletta asked at the same time I asked Hesse “You’re Ichabod Crane?”"Not anymore," Hesse thought-said. "I am Hesse now and forever more."Jeez, dramatic.“I’m Al,” Al said to Arletta. He came up behind me and slung an arm over my shoulder, his earthy, tobacco scent was a comforting mantle that settled over my senses and I instinctually melted into the comfort of his touch.Arletta looked at me. “You summoned a demon?”I huffed in defense of her incredulous tone and pointed at Hesse. “Don’t judge me for fucking the undead!”"She has a point, my sweet thing," Hesse said.“Jeez, you two,” Al said. “Get a room.”“This is my house,” Arletta snapped.“Didn’t you fuck off to the ghost realm and leave Samantha here all alone?”“I, well, it was—”“Stop it!” I peeked around the doorway of the cottage to make sure no one from town was out for a Halloween stroll, daring to Trick or Treat at the witch’s house and witness the paranormal teté-te happening on my doorstep right now. “Come inside.”Hesse was insanely tall like Arletta always said he was and even without a head had to duck significantly to fit through the doorway. He and Arletta shuffled over to the living room and plopped down beside each other, holding hands, fingers comfortably stroking back and forth, the ease of two people a long time in love.I sat on the chair across from them as Al floated through the air, goofing around as usual until he came to levitate by my side.“Why are you here?” I asked. “And what happened to his head? I thought you said the skull worked.”“It did but Death got angry.”“Death?”“Yes,” Arletta said. “The God of Death doesn’t like that a living witch gave the Horseman of The Hollow his head back, he reclaimed Hesse’s head to make a point. It was either keep his head or lose me.” She looked lovingly at her headless man. “He chose me.”“Awwwww,” Al mocked. I slapped his knee, he chuckled.“Anyway,” Arletta rolled her eyes at Al. “We’re here because we want your help, and I guess his too.” She waved her hand in Al’s direction. “We want to kill Death.”“Come again?” Al said.“You heard me.”“Sorry, little witch,” Al said assertively. “Pretty sure the world needs people to keep on dying in order for things to function properly. I mean, hey, I’m no wise one or anything but—”"I’ll say Hesse," intoned.I glared at him, wondering if he could even really process my gaze.“—But,” Al continued. “I’m pretty certain that for there to be life, there needs to be death.”“I know that!” Arletta glared at my demon.There will still be a God of Death, Hesse said. I will become Death.
Needless to say those words placed an uncomfortable pall over the rest of that Halloween evening. Now, weeks later, and Arletta and Hesse are mine and Al’s new house mates, while I go to work Al shadows me, complaining about how mean Arletta is and how creepy Hesse is. I used to remind Al that he, himself, was a demon and had no room to call people creepy but after spending a week with the Hessian in my home I was willing to admit he took spookiness to a level that far surpassed my boyfriend’s.
While Al haunted me and Matilda at The Raven’s Quill, Arletta and Hesse traveled with magical means I didn’t quite understand to obtain ancient texts and search for ways to overthrow the God of Death himself.By mid November Matilda invited us to The Back Room, a secret club for paranormal beings tucked away behind the town’s local pub The Speakeasy. It was pretty thrilling the first time Matilda led us to the back hallway where the restrooms were and tapped some of the old bricks to make the secret door appear. It all felt very Harry Potter and I was too basic not to be enchanted by it.Now we come here often enough to be regulars. It’s the only place in town where Arletta and Hesse can come and go from freely. Believe it or not it’s kind of hard for a pseudo-dead girl and an eight foot tall headless colonial ghost to waltz down main street.Matilda comes here frequently to feed.It’s gross, but I don’t fault her for what she is.Arletta hates Matilda and I can’t say I blame her. If I were Arletta I might hate her too. But the three of us are without families and Matilda is my boss and the only in us witches have with the underground paranormal community of Sleepy Hollow.Arletta also doesn’t seem to like Al, which I am far less tolerable of.As if reading my mind, Al leans in and nips at my neck. I turn my head to meet his stormy-eyed stare. “I’m hungry too, babes.”I smirk. Arletta makes a gagging noise.I flip her off as I kiss Al and she laughs.I missed that sound.Insufferable and mean as she is, I missed her.I’m so glad she’s back.Even if she brought the daunting task of killing Death along with her.


Content Warnings

Riding The Headless Horseman (18+)

Explicit sexual content including: spanking, wax play, light BDSM, dubcon, and chasing. Also includes mentions of past emotional and physical abuse.

Smashing Pumpkins (18+)

Explicit sexual content, depictions of past domestic violence and emotional abuse.

Getting With The Ghoul (18+)

Explicit sexual content including: dubcon and choking. Mentions of past sexual assault, and on page depictions of sexual harassment. Also includes depictions of depression, PTSD, and suicidal ideations.

There's Something in The Woods

Depictions of mental hospital malpractice and abuse. On page violence and gore, and mentions of past sexual assault. Also includes depictions of mental illness and suicidal ideations.

Send in The Clowns (18+)

Explicit sexual content including: noncon, dubcon, chasing, choking, spanking, blood play, and knife play. Includes on page violence, torture, and mentions of past sexual assault. Also includes depictions of PTSD and depression.

Lumos & Lattes (18+)

Explicit sexual content including: dubcon, role-play, spanking, choking, and semi-public activities. Includes on page violence, torture, and mentions of past sexual assault. Also includes depictions of PTSD.

Loved Alone

Depictions of mental illness, alcoholism, and suicide.

Falling for Jack Frost (18+)

Explicit sexual content including: dubcon, noncon, chasing, ice play, anal play, spanking, and voyeurism. Also includes mentions of past emotional abuse.

Be Terrible (18+)

Explicit sexual content including: noncon, dubcon, spanking, BDSM, blood play, and choking. Includes mentions of past emotional, physical, and sexual abuse.

The Willow's Silence

Includes depictions of depression, suicide, and murder.